Chapter 2747 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep239
- Ron watched on as Amy's mom began to knead his hip and the side of his ass. She did this with great concentration on her hands moving mere inches from his swaying erection, essentially offering up the perfect opportunity to fully admire her practically flawless physique kneeling there on the bed before him. The movement of her hands across his skin caused her boobs to sway, gently testing the minimal coverage of the toilet paper. The way her breasts escaped from the damp tissues, exposing both bronzed and randomly a sliver of alabaster skin before the nearly transparent TP offered her the facade of modesty. Given the way the paper clung to her ridiculously erect nipples, he could faintly make out a few tiny little bumps along the base of the closest tit.
- Pam shifted her right leg across Ron's snugly bound body until she was straddling him, her knee inches away from his reddened scrotum and her damp pussy randomly dipping tortuously close to his tensed thigh as she continued kneading his hip. She spoke as she moved, saying, "just needed to reposition to get the best angle to apply a little more pressure," in a tone that gave no indication she was asking permission, nor that she could be referring to this ridiculous cockteasing just as easily as her massaging hands as the recipient of a step-up in pressure being applied.
- With Pam's focus still on her hands, as well as the granite phallus pulsing between his legs, Ron took note of the number of tears beginning all along the steadily drying toilet paper. It appeared that at least with the outer layer, the perforated seams along each square would often begin to sort of 'unzip' as they dried. The seams in her cleavage had been spared some of the dripping water, as it was either absorbed by her 'bra', or slalomed into the valley of her untanned breasts to eventually run down her abs into her 'skirt'.